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About Me

My name is Dan Ehrola. I live in Brielle, New Jersey and attended Manasquan High School. I am interested in Bio-Medical Engineering along with every other freshman in the Engineering Freshman Class. I am working as an Intramural Official as my work study at Duke in addition to playing on the Club Lacrosse team.

Favorite Matlab Demonstration

My favorite Matlab Demonstration is the 3-D Drawing Demonstration because it is interactive and amusing. This demo allows the user to create a vase by clicking to form the 2-D outline of the vase which is then rotated around an axis to form the shape. It is simple and easy to use, not requiring much thought or artistic ability. In addition to being easy to use it is also slightly entertaining.

Engineering Grand Challenges

Bursting MRSA's Bubble: Using Nanotech to Fight Drug-Resistant Bacteria, Larry Greenemeier, Scientific American, created 4 April 2011, accessed 7 September 2012 (Engineer better Medicines)