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About Me

My name is Davis Treybig and I am an incoming Freshman to Duke University who plans on studying Biomedical Engineering. I grew up in Austin, Texas, and am having a very difficult time adjusting to the humidity in Durham. I like to play basketball and racquet-ball, and hope to get involved in extracurricular activities like Duke Student Government and Duke Marketing Club during my stay here.

Homework 2 Demonstrations

My favorite demonstration is the Loma Prieta Earthquake one. It is so cool that by using MATLAB, you can take a small amount of earthquake data and use it to model the position and movement of an earthquake. I had never even imagined that the movement of an earthquake could be modeled; I always assumed it was more of continuous effect over an overall area. While the process was very complicated, the final visualization was impressive.

Name Pronunciation

Davis Treybig is pronounced Day-vis Try-Big.

Grand Challenges Article

Cheap Solar Panels Could be Made from Oxidized Metals, Jolie O'Dell, Venturebeat, updated August 10, 2012, accessed August 27 (Cheaper Solar Energy)