Austin McKee was born in Harrisonburg, VA at the age of three. He was raised in the small but amazing town of Greeneville, TN, which he calls his home. It is rumored that Austin, alone in this large and empty world[1], has already formulated a flawless Grand Unified Theory, created a safe, cheap, and positive net-return nuclear fusion reactor, and has successfully cloned fertile velociraptors from incomplete genomes and educated guessing, but some sources say it was actually just teenagers vandalizing his Wikipedia page. [Citation Needed]
Speaking of nuclear fusion, The Engineer's article Design Rules to Simplify Running of Fusion Reactors provides great insight to the tantalizing closeness of humanity to the power of nuclear fusion.
- Brown, Rebecca (2006). "Size of the Moon," Scientific American, 51(78).
- Miller, Edward (2005). The Sun. Academic Press.
- Design Rules to Simplify Running of Fusion Reactors, The Engineer, updated 28 August 2013, accessed 15 September 2013 (Nuclear Fusion)