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About Me

My name is Leonel Rangel Jimenez, though I prefer to go by Leo, and I use he/him/his pronouns. As a Durhamite, I am really excited to be a part of Duke's Class of 2023. After all, it means I get to bug my younger siblings from time to time (truly a Blue Devil at heart). I am currently thinking of the BME track here at Duke and am currently in EGR103, the reason this page came into existence. I hope you enjoy learning more about me in this section! Here are a few things I think are pretty cool along with some awesome things I've had the opportunity to do:

  • Turtles/Tortoises!! They are my favorite animal, and I was incredibly lucky to get to see huge versions of both when I traveled to the Galapagos!
  • Favorite color: Green, it's just got that nature vibe, ya feel?
  • Favorite food? Trick question, I just love food
    • BUT, ice-cream has a special place in my stomach heart
  • I traveled to Italy wayyyy back in 7th grade, Narni and Venice were probably my favorites (runner up: Capri. I fell asleep on the boat there, though that 's probably my favorite nap ever)
  • I've taken Latin since 6th grade, though I will no longer while at Duke. My favorite quote? "Dum Spiro, Spero" -Motto of South Carolina (meaning "While I Breathe I Hope")

Feel free to ask me about any of the above personally! I'm always open to making new friends!

Galapagos Tortoise I got to see close up!
Swimming boi! They are HUGE
This is about as cool as I get, we like finding photo spots

Grand Challenges Article

U.S. Intelligence Agencies Try to Reverse Engineer a Rat Brain, David Cassel, The New Stack, Created 7 Jun 2017 9:00 AM, Accessed 18 September 2019 10:40 PM (Reverse-Engineer the Brain)