My Bio
Hello Everyone. My name is Andre [full name: Andre Joseph St. George May] and I'm a Duke freshman, living in G-A. I'm currently a Trinity student, but I will be switching over to Pratt come sophomore year.While in Pratt, I hope to earn a B.S in Civil Engineering. I was born in St. Andrew, Jamaica, grew up in Clarendon, Jamaica,and attended high school at Munro College in St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. Three years ago, me, my mom and two younger sisters moved to Durham, NC. However, I didn't attend high school in the area. I went to Woodberry Forest School in Orange, VA (about 45 mins from UVA. GO CAVS!!)
Name Pronunciation
My first and last name are really quite simple to pronounce. I pronounce "Andre" as An-dray. For my last name "May" is pronounced just like the month or like in the following sentenThe model for this wikipage was provided by User: DukeEgr93 ce 'Kind Sir, MAY I have a cup of you finest Earl Grey.'
Fun Fact
In Jamaica, I played four years of varsity Field Hockey for Munro College. [Hep folks, men do play field hockey.] The model for this wikipage was provided by User: DukeEgr93
Since I've moved here in the States, I've been to every state on the East Coast except one. Which one is it? The model for this wikipage was provided by User: DukeEgr93
For Those of You Who Know Me
Do you really think I look like Usher? I The model for this wikipage was provided by User: DukeEgr93 don't think so, but complete strangers do.
A lot of you might have questions for instance; How is Munro College a high school? How long have you been in high school? or why the hell did he move to the US? If you have any questions or comments to make, post them to my Discussion page.
My Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles
Among others, I posted the following articles to the Grand Challenges for Engineering page:
- 5 things your car will finally do in 2020, John Brandon, CNN, updated 12 March 2008, accessed 15 August 2008
- Demand Increases for More Health Care IT Professionals, iHealthBeat, upd
== Nota Bene ==
The model for this wikipage was provided by User: DukeEgr93.