Hi, my name is Jonathan Kersky and I'm a freshman in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. I was born October 29, 1993 in Winter Park, Florida, and lived in the Orlando suburb of Windermere until I was 3. In 1997 we moved to Buffalo Grove, IL, a N/NW suburb of Chicago. I went to high school at Adlai E. Stevenson High School, where I graduated in 2012.
I love playing sports. Pretty much all of them. Running is my favorite. I ran cross country and track in high school. However, I've been playing baseball, basketball, and pick up football since I was little, and enjoy the occasional game of squash, tennis, bowling, golf (especially of the miniature variety), and just about any sport you can think of. I am on the club running team here at Duke and plan on playing intramural flag football and basketball.
I am an avid Philadelphia Eagles fan, and any given Sunday you'll see me reppin the birds. This is our year.