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About Me

Hello everyone. Mi chiamo Christina. Sorry if my user page is boring; I'm not as interesting as some of my peers. I grew up in Armonk, New York. New York is nice, but Duke is much better. I discovered Duke in middle school and since then I have fallen in love with the school and the basketball team (I would consider myself a die hard fan). In case anyone wanted to know any random facts about me, I have a cat named Freddy who is one of my best friends (but I'm not a crazy cat lady). My dog is older than my brother. My brother often thinks he is too cool to talk to me. My mom is from Greece but I don't speak the language or enjoy Greek food. My dad is from Italy and is the best cook in the family (sorry mom). I play volleyball, basketball, and tennis; I also played the flute in high school along with the piano. I love carbs, especially mashed potatoes and pizza. I don't think I have a New York accent. In high school, my friends decided to call me Grits even though I have never tried grits before. I think that basically covers it. Sorry if that wasn't exciting.

Name Pronunciation

I think it's pretty easy to pronounce Christina Sardo but here is the pronunciation just in case:"Kris-TEEN-uh Sar-DOUGH".


I attended Byram Hills High School. I am now a freshman planning to study biomedical engineering.

External Links

Click on the link to read this cool article about reverse engineering the brain. (Sounds intense!) [Engineering the Brain], Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, updated June 2008, accessed 6 September 2012 (Grand Challenge)