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About Me

My name is Rajan Patel, and I am from Spruce Creek High School in Port Orange, Florida. I am an undergraduate student at Duke University, class of 2017. I currently plan to major in Biomedical Engineering (BME), however I am thinking of switching into Computer Science.

Name Pronunciation

Although I am not an alcoholic, I do like to associate my name with Raw Gin. If you ever have trouble remembering my name, remember that Rajan likes to drink Raw Gin (after he turns 21 years old of course).

Current School Schedule

During the Fall of 2013 I am currently enrolled in the following classes:

- Chemistry 101 - Math 212 - EGR 103 - CompSci 201

Extra Stuff About Me

I love long walks on beaches: to all the ladies out there... I'm not joking ;) In addition, I like to golf and play basketball. Currently I am not signed up for any clubs because I feel my schedule is already too busy, but who knows what will happen in the future. If I can think of anything else to write, I will be sure to edit the page. Thanks for taking the time to creep on my profile.

Love, Rajan Patel New Financial Models Make Solar Power More Economical, Environmental Leader Environmental & Energy Management News, created 26 March 2008, accessed 01 September 2013 (Grand Challenge)