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About Me

I am a student at Duke University currently in the Pratt School of Engineering.

Name Pronunciation

My name is Caroline Ayanian, which sounds like "care-O-line i-ON-yun."

Grand Challenges for Engineers

  • [1] , Andrew Boid, Engines of our Ingenuity, added 30 August 2012, accessed 13 September 2013 (Grand Challenge)

Favorite MatLab Demonstrations

  • Loma Prieta Earthquake - The demonstration gave the MatLab program a purpose. It proved the incredible power and purpose of MatLab, putting everything I was learning into a context of its applicability. Before this demonstration, I felt more like I was simply memorizing several methods of manipulating arbitrary data. After reading through this demo, I was able to connect my learning to the bigger picture. In addition, I find earthquakes quite interesting, so the way the user was able to create new conclusions about the earthquake's path based on the established data using MatLab intruiged me.
  • Game of Life - This example of this program has always interested me. Last year, I coded this graphic in my computer science class using java. I really enjoyed coding this last year because such a logic based program with simple rules could produce a picture that was so mezmorizing. I appreciate both now and then that sucha a simple set of rules could produce such an intricut result. In terms of this example specifically through MatLab, similarly to the previously mentioned demonstration, this example helped me to understand the functionality of MatLab, for I already understand other programs such as eclipse that I used to the Game of Life, and now I understand that the MatLab has similar capabilities.