About Me
Hi, my name is Kevin Mo, and I'm from Pittsburgh, PA. I'm a freshman in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke, and my intended major is mechanical engineering, and I hope to obtain a certificate in material science.
I love to paint, play sports, hang out with friends, and most of all, play chess. I compete at the national level where I've had many memorable experiences.
Fall 2013 Courses
- EGR 103: Computational Methods in Engineering
- EGR 121: Engineering Innovations
- MATH 122: Intro Calculus II with Applications
- PHIL 155: Reason & Argument
Matlab Demonstrations
My favorite demonstration was the traveling salesman GUI. I was able to set up the number of cities, and then on the GUI, Matlab performed the traveling salesman algorithm. I could see the progression as Matlab eventually found the shortest path to connect all the cities.
External Links
Walker: Water-research center in Milwaukee could revolutionize world's access to clean water, Associate Press, StarTribune, updated 12 September 2013, accessed 13 September 2013 (Provide access to clean water)