About me
I am a freshman engineer studying at the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University.
Name Pronunciation
My full name is "Elizabeth Stephanz", but I prefer to be called Liza. Pronounced Ly-za. Stephanz is broken down as "Steph" as in Steph-anie, and a"anz" as in "ins"
Grand Challenges for Engineering Articles
Reverse Engineering the Brain, Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, updated June 2008, accessed 26 August 2013 (Grand Challenge)
MATLAB Demonstrations
My favorite demonstration from the MATLAB example page was the demonstration of the Earth's topography. The demonstration shows how MATLAB can represent the Earth's topography in a multitude of ways. The data entered represented the altitude data and the colormap for the altitude. MATLAB can read the data and create 3 representations of the Earth's topography: Contour, 2-D Image Plot, and a 3-D Plot (the globe).