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About Me

My name is Edwin Bodge, I am from Jacksonville, Florida, studying Biomedical Engineering here at Pratt. I enjoy long walks on the beach, a good chicken parmesan, and have really bad jokes.

Grand Challenges for Engineers

Reverse Engineering the Brain Fred Hapgood, MIT Technology Review, updated 1 July 2006, accessed 14 September 2014

MATLAB Demonstrations

In particular, the Loma Prieta Earthquake demonstration was my favorite for a number of reasons. First of all, it gave me a nice preview of just how difficult this course will eventually become, but at the same time how much we will learn. Secondly, the modeling methods described in this demonstration were incredibly interesting and just cool; in combination with more of the 3-D techniques that the tutorial briefly mentioned, plotting with MATLAB will be mind-blowing. And lastly, it was nice to have a real world example of what MATLAB can do (or what we can do with MATLAB) -- a research facility can take in data about a natural phenomenon, and then programmers and researchers around the world can synthesize this information with such a program.