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About Me

Hello world! My name is Will Floyd-Jones. I plan on studying ECE here at Duke, and I am just a guy who loves messing with Arduino, eating tasty steak, and a good game of Speedminton.

Name Pronunciation

I have a hyphenated surname, which means my first name is Will and my last name is Floyd-Jones. A lot of people from home just called me "F-J", which is totally fine by me.

w IH I
win it let
f l OY d
fan let boy do
j OH n z
jug so no zen


I'm usually cooking up something, and hopefully I'll retain both my desire and my time to do that during college. At some point I'll make a website to tell the people of the internet about my projects.

  • A Processing Speedminton computer game called "Mach Speed"
  • A Wi-Fi enabled toaster for reflow soldering called the "Reflow Château" and a bespoke Processing application to edit temperature profiles and recieve a temperature readings
  • Drawing things like the following gangster monkey for my phone wallpaper
Mach Speed
Reflow Château Application
Gangster Monkey

Grand Challenges for Engineering

  • Practices in Nuclear Security William H. Tobey, Harvard University Belfer Center, created December 2012, Accessed 26 August 2013 (Prevent nuclear terror)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

My favorite demonstration was the Traveling Salesman problem, because I have solved the same problem in Java but I never thought to display it graphically, so it was interesting to see the solution literally mapped out in MATLAB.