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Revision as of 15:03, 8 September 2015 by Yt90 (talk | contribs)
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Hello there! Welcome to my Pratt Pundit page. If you want to know a little bit more about me, please read below!!

About me

My name is Yasiel Trujillo and I am a transfer student to Duke University. I was born and raised in Cuba and I lived there for 17 years before moving to the States. I went to Miami, FL where I did my last year of High School and moved on to the Honors College at the local Community College (MDC). I studied there for two years (2013-2015) and then I was lucky enough to transfer to Duke's Biomedical Engineering program!

Name Pronunciation

Yes, it's a hard name to pronounce if you are not hispanic. The best I can do is Ja-see-ell True-he-yo. Hope it helps..

Current Courses

  • EGR103 with Dr. G,
  • BIO201 with Dr. Alison Hill,
  • EGR201 with Dr. Fred Boadu, and
  • MATH216 with Dr. Clark Bray.


I love playing table tennis whenever I have time (which is not a lot since I started Duke). I also like hiking, swimming and bowling.

Grand Challenges for Engineering Article

Interesting Engineering, The Engineer, updated September 2 2015, accessed September 8 2015 (Grand Challenge)