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About me

My name is Elizabeth and I am a freshman in the Pratt school of engineering at Duke University. I am currently 18 years old. I was born and raised in Washington, D.C. and am very excited to begin my Duke journey!

Interests and Hobbies

I enjoy playing lacrosse and field hockey, hiking, waterskiing, and spending time with my friends and family.

Engineering Grand Challenges Article

CMU announces research project to reverse-engineer brain algorithms, funded by IARPA, Author Unknown, Kurzweil, 5 February 2016, accessed 7 September 2017 (Reverse-Engineer the Brain)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration (Homework 2)

My favorite demonstration was the "Earth's Topography" example. I found it so intriguing that Matlab could load data of the topography of the earth and display it in a variety of clear and interesting ways. It was interesting to see the progression illustrated in the example, from a contour plot to a 2-D plot to a 3-D plot. It demonstrated Matlab's ability to produce many different plots using the same base data by entering different commands and using various selections of the "topo.mat" data. Ultimately, Matlab's ability to produce sophisticated visual representations of numerical data surprised and made me excited to continue exploring Matlab and its commands.