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Brief Introduction

Do not be fooled by the peculiar username; I am, in fact, a joyless human being. I do, however, find joy in some things.

Things I find Joy In


Sure, they're mischievous at times, and they might love to lay across your keyboard while you're working or enjoy smacking things off your desk for no particular reason, but if you ask me, that's entirely part of their charm — and a big reason why I love them so much.


I carry a white noodle bowl, carefully up to my chin. I smile as my nose catches, the steam so grey and thin.

I set the bowl down gently, Because it was too hot. and take this time to ponder, The noodles I have got.

Building things...a lot of them, including this masterpiece:

Lovely hat for the cat

Despite what the picture shows, the cat is very happy with his hat.

Things I Do Not Find Joy In

Humanity's greatest chocolate chip ice cream.

Grand Challenges for Engineering

[1], Jeff Hecht, Reed Business Information Ltd., updated 13 September 2011, accessed 21 September 2011 (Provide energy from fusion)