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About Me

I am a student in the Pratt School of Engineering at Duke University. Currently, I am planning on pursuing a major in Electrical and Computer Engineering with a double in Economics.


My favorite hobby is to disassemble/assemble electronics... which should explain my choice of major. I also enjoy building projects, especially robotics and working with the Arduino Microprocessor. Computers are a major part of my life; I primarily work with hardware, but I also do some programming (primarily in Java).

Outside of the electonics world, I mountain bike, camp, ski, swim, and whitewater raft.


I'm currently employed by IBM in RTP as a Systems Administrator. While onsite, I provide hardware/software support and assist with deploying/maintaining Virtual Machines. When working remotely from school, I write programs to analyze system logs to create usage statistics. I recently joined the Duke Crew team... not much else about that.

Name Pronunciation

Eh, this should be fun. My legal name is pronounced with a long "o" and short "j." So it's kinda like BOE-jia. The most common mistake is swapping the "j" and "i" which, for some reason, is a more natural pronunciation for people. Boija? And then there are others who just gave up, which is why I'm also called: Bo, Bobo, Bojangles, Boga, Boboboboboboobo, Nick (inside joke), and Luke (unofficial name).

Grand Challenges for Engineering

Does Broadband Need a Stimulus?, Saul Hansell, The New York Times, updated 21 January 2009, accessed 17 September (Restore and improve urban infrastructure)