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About Me

Hi! I am Minhazul Islam and I hail from a small but green and beautiful country named Bangladesh, on the other side of the world. I would just like to add that we have the longest sea beach (Cox's Bazaar) in the world (yes, serenity and romanticism) and we co-hosted the last Cricket World Cup (yes, plenty of team spirit). I am pleasant Pratten (Class of 2015), doing an Electrical & Computer Engineering Major. I am also interested in pursuing a minor in Physics as well as a Certificate program in the Energy and the Environment. In the realm of sports, I love cricket and soccer and will most probably be adding basketball to the list soon. As for my hobbies, for which I surely do not get enough time, I do photography and go out for movies. Besides, I am very interested in almost all sorts of community service activities. I am also always up for any random fun time!

Name Pronunciation

I go aroung by the name Minhaz,