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About me

My name is Jihane; and I am a freshman at Duke University. I am not set on my major yet, but I am considering Mathematics, Computer Science or Engineering (Electrical and Computer Engineering) with a minor in Education. I am from Morocco, but I studied for the past two years in South Africa.

Name Pronunciation

My name can be pronounced as "Jih-haa-n Bet-taa-hee". I've never thought that my name was hard to pronounce until I came to Duke, but I am fine with any pronunciation that is close to Jihane.

Grand Challenges Article

Reverse Engineering The Brain, Sally Adee, IEEE Spectrum, updated June 2008, accessed 14 January 2009 (Reverse-engineer the brain)

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

I like the 3D- drawing demonstration because it is interactive and fun; I can choose the shape I want to draw by plotting points; and then, just by shift+click, I can see my shape in 3D which is fascinating. I also like the World Traveler 3-D globe demonstration because I find it interesting how MATLAB can actually draw the path from one starting point (the origin) to a final destination in 3D. There is indeed a lot that can be done with MATLAB, and so I am looking forward to knowing more about this language.