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My name is Todd Westen Koorbusch, but I go by my middle name (my dad's name is Todd). Westen Koorbusch is pronounced "WES-tin CORE-bush." The IPA version of that is wɛ́stən koorbusch - doesn't help much with the last name.

I am in the class of 2015 at the Pratt School of Engineering.

My favorite MATLAB demonstration was the 3-D Drawing one because I actually ended up using it to help myself with some graphing in math class. We were doing volumes of rotation in our homework, and I drew almost every shape in MATLAB to see if my drawings were accurate.

[1], Deepa Badrinarayana, School of Law at University of California at Los Angeles, updated 1st of June 2011, accessed 21st of September, 2011 (Making Nuclear Fission Practical as a Power Source).