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About Me

Hello everyone! My name is Ryan Kwon and I am a mechanical engineering major. I'm from Northern Virginia but I was born in South Korea. I moved to the US when I was three years old and have been living here ever since!

Name Pronunciation

Korean name pronunciation: Young-J-Quan, or you can just call me Ryan. That would be a lot easier actually.

Current Courses

  • EGR 103
  • Math 122
  • Chem 101
  • Intro to Music Theory

Activities I Did In High School

  • Science Olympiad
  • It's Academic
  • Philharmonic Orchestra
    • Primary Instrument: Cello
    • Secondary Instrument: Piano (self-taught)
  • Soccer
    • Position: Forward


  • I can recite 270 digits of pi!
  • I used to be a big Tetris enthusiast...played 8 hours a day at one point.
  • I love playing Starcraft (Wings of Liberty and Heart of the Swarm)
  • Vocal range is over 3 octaves, but I'm bad at singing :(
  • Not much of a quirk, but who doesn't love binge watching Netflix?

Favorite MATLAB Demonstration

I really enjoyed reading and watching the MATLAB demonstration of Conway's "Game of Life" because it is interesting to see how randomly generated cells just appear to come and go whenever they feel like it, based on the rules implemented by the game. The supposedly infinite matrix of dead cells is represented by all spaces that are not alive, and dead cells can come back to life if it has three or more live cells touching it, but a live cell will die if it does not have 2 or 3 cells touching it. MATLAB is very useful in replicating this "game" because of its rapid computation in determining which cells are alive or dead. I simply find this game very intriguing.

Article for Grand Challenge for Engineering